The recession of 2007 re-prioritized state spending and brought new focus to cost cutting and defining essential services. We believe the trend towards centralized information technology departments within state government is necessary for improving both the cost efficiency and operational efficiency. This consolidation of power is not easy and requires the creation of a benevolent authority which offers solutions for its customer-agencies which are better, faster, and less expensive than what could be obtained independently.
State agencies need to have the autonomy to act in the best interest of their constituents and within the confines of their business practices. This is why there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every agency. Centralized information technology departments must recognize this and craft multiple solutions which are inherently attractive to the agencies and do not require top-down mandates.
Our expertise is to help centralized IT departments find those win-win service offerings and to help agencies select from those offerings and other direct purchase technology options to meet their business objectives.